June 9 to 14, 2024.

No-Code Week

đź“ŤStartplatz, Cologne, Germany

Supporting partners

The Nomadic No-Code event, 5 days of camp to meet other enthusiasts and grow as a No-Coder.

Would you like to find out more about the 2024 talks?

What is the No-Code Week

Join us for a week of exciting talks, workshops and meetings for the No-Code enthusiasts.


Spend a week in the lively city of Cologne with fellow no-coders. A great opportunity to make connections and be part of the movement.


Every night at 6pm, you will have a chance to attend an event with 3 talks of carefully selected speakers. Get inspired, learn and ask questions everyday.

Parties and drinks

The No-Code Week is also about having fun and meeting in more casual settings. We will guide you through Cologne's exciting bars and coffee shops.


We have set up a space for all the participants of the No-Code Week who will be working remotely. And also some workshops and activities.

Program of the week

Monday 10 : No-Code & Apps

For the second day, we will focus, on one of the main aspect of No-Code : building apps and applications. We'll dive into the best tools for that and share inspiring success stories.

(Coworking) 10am - 6pm — Co-Working Starplatz

If you want to join the other attendees and work at the same time, enjoy a coffee break or share knowledge our coworking is available.

(Activities) 1pm - 3pm — Classic Cologne city tour

by Freewalk Cologne

First, you’ll explore the Eigelstein area, its gangster stories and why the habits of former guest-workers shaped a whole district that truly represents Cologne’s open-mindedness. A walk by the narrowest house in town leads you to a church with a golden chamber, where you’ll learn more about the martyr Ursula, the basilica minor and what virgins and bones have to do with our coat of arms. You’ll reach the Cologne Cathedral, avoiding the tourist trails, listening to wonderful stories about the third highest cathedral in the world and understand why it is more than a landmark to Cologne people. Discover ancient roman ruins and our connections to American presidents before we tell you a love story without a happy ending in front of the statue of Cavalry General Jan von Werth. Somewhat hidden in the old town, “Tünnes und Schäl” will teach you about the two hearts beating in the chest of every Cologne resident. Finally, at the Willi Ostermann Fountain, you’ll get to know facts about Cologne’s famous Carnival that will surely make you smile. It might also happen that you end up at the riverside together with your guide, your new-found friends from the tour and a cold Kölsch (our local beer).

(Workshop) 3:30pm - 4:30pm — Business-Card CRM using Tally, Make & OpenAI

by Richard Ahrend, Maker Expert @Tally

Together we will build your own business card importer. Take a photo, analyze the content and save the contact in your CRM. In our example, we will use Tally to handle the input and images. OpenAI will analyze the image of the business card and return relevant information to ultimately store the information in Notion. Finally, we will use Make to automate the whole process. The first version will be done for a specific event, whereas the final version will be dynamic for you to use on different occasions handling everything in one Tally form.

To achieve this, we will cover the following topics per tool:
- Make: basic scenario building
- OpenAI: basic prompting, AI vision, function calling
- Tally: basic form building, hidden fields, conditional logic & integrations

(Talks) 6:30pm — Why you should develop clear Product Principles to guide your next app or project

by Nicolas Carroll, PM Lead @Bubble

Join Nicolas Carroll, a seasoned PM Lead at Bubble, for a compelling workshop on the importance of developing clear product principles. Nicolas, who is currently leading Bubble's mobile development efforts, will share insights on how to create and implement effective product principles. He will also discuss how Bubble utilized these principles in building their new native mobile apps editor. This session aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to guide your next app or project, ensuring alignment and consistency throughout the development process.

(Talks) 7pm — From Prototype to Powerhouse: Scaling Your No-Code App

by Michael Udinski & Liz Anya Ramos, @Xano
Are you noticing signs that your application might need to scale? Wondering if it's time to upgrade your plan or if there are other strategies you can implement? Join us for an insightful talk on scaling your application effectively. Discover the key indicators that it's time to scale and explore practical strategies to ensure your application grows smoothly and sustainably.

(Talks) 7:30pm — Scaling your product beyond initial traction and early adopters

by Marie Martens, Co-founder @Tally.so

Join Marie Martens for an insightful discussion on scaling your product beyond the initial traction phase. Marie will share her journey of growing Tally, emphasizing the critical decisions and strategies involved in expanding with a small team. The talk will delve into the role of product-led growth in sustaining and accelerating growth past the early adopters and initial launch excitement. This session aims to provide actionable insights and lessons that can be applied to various projects, helping entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of scaling their products.

Tuesday 11 : No-Code & Ops

Operations, or Ops, are the other main aspect of No-Code tools usage. Become more productive thanks to automation and build powerfull internal apps. A day that will definitely help you work better and who knows, maybe less.

(Coworking) 9am - 6pm — Co-Working Starplatz

If you want to join the other attendees and work at the same time, enjoy a coffee break or share knowledge our coworking is available.

(Workshop) 10:00am - 11:30am — A real world exercise on what you should do before you you starting building your app

by Nicolas Carroll, PM lead @Bubble

In this workshop, we'll cover the key steps entrepreneurs or developers should take before they start building their next app using a real world example + a live build of that example on Bubble

This will be an interactive session where we'll spend the first ~45 minute collaborating on a real business idea, and then spend the last ~45 minutes building that idea on Bubble. Users can choose to build side by side if they would like, but at a minimum should come prepared with a product idea, and to actively brainstorm / take notes / participate to get the most out of the session

(Workshop) 11:45am - 12:15am — Build an app in under 30 Minutes - Make & Glide for Beginners

by Lilith Brockhaus, co-founder @Visual Makers and Daniel Zrust, App Solutions Architect @Make

New into No-Code? Learn to create a simple directory app using Glide and connect it to OpenAI for automated content with Make. Perfect for beginners, this session will get you started on your No-Code journey.

(Workshop) 3:00pm - 4:30pm — Xano: No-Code, No Breaches: Showcasing Security Features and Best Practices

by Michael Udinski & Liz Anya Ramos

Elevate your application's security in this practical workshop. We'll start with a pre-built app and guide you through adding key security features and best practices.

(Workshop) 5:15pm - 5:45pm — Leveraging Make in your Bubble App

by Lilith Brockhaus, co-founder @Visual Makers and Daniel Zrust, App Solutions Architect @Make

Ever wondered why you'd need Make when Bubble already has an integrated workflow engine? Join us for a fun and informative session where we'll show you why Make is a game-changer for handling complex workflows.

You'll see real-life examples of how Make can simplify data manipulation, create PDFs, and integrate seamlessly with external tools. 

(Talks) 6:30pm — Why can’t you ignore product management as a no-code maker?

by Manon Mercier, Product Builder

No-code is no longer made to build single-use products. I think the "quick and dirty" mode is over, especially when we talk about ops. No-code is really becoming professionalized.But how to face these challenges when you are a no-code maker, most of the time freelance, and that you have to manage projects alone from A to Z? My answer is : Product Management methods (and common sense).It’s never just about process automation, we are building a digital product as such. It is necessary to identify pain points, highlight problems we are trying to solve, prioritize client requests, engage end-users in the project process, and measure our product impact. It’s not about creating digital solutions. It's about creating impactful products that matters, that solve real problems. And which only have meaning if they are used.

(Talks) 7pm — Automating Content Production with Notion with Make

by Natasha Buck, Notion Certified Consultant

Join Natascha Buck, an official Notion Ambassador and seasoned Process Strategist, for a deep dive into automating content production with Notion and Make. In this session, Natascha will demonstrate how she streamlined her content creation process, eliminating the tedious tasks of copy-pasting and content uploading. She will also share tips on optimizing content for the LinkedIn algorithm to achieve the best performance. With over 30 years of experience in digital transformation and automation, Natascha brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights that will benefit entrepreneurs looking to enhance their content workflows.

(Talks) 7:30pm — IoT & No-Code: Process optimisation without IT resources

by Daniel Radermacher, Managing Director @IOX

Join Daniel Radermacher, Managing Director at IOX, for an enlightening session on revolutionizing process optimization without the need for extensive IT resources. Discover how no-code tools and IoT integrations can streamline your operations and boost efficiency. Learn from inspiring success stories of companies that have thrived using these technologies and engage in an interactive Q&A session to get your specific questions answered. Daniel, with his rich experience in product management and IoT innovation, will share his passion and expertise, making this a must-attend talk for developers looking to drive efficiency and innovation in their organizations.

(Talks) 8pm — How not to drown in automations?

by Daniel Zrust, App Solutions Architect @Make

In this talk, you will hear tips and tricks about an underestimated topic - about how to create and maintain documentation for large scale automation projects. We'll look at built-in features of Make as well as external tools. Spoiler alert: Based on a real story.

Wednesday 12 : No-Code & Design

Design are an important part of every no-code project. Whether it's UX best practices or Design thinking for ideation, it's often overlooked by no-coders while it can make a big difference. Even UI tips and tricks can help a lot when building.

(Coworking) 9am - 6pm — Co-Working Starplatz

If you want to join the other attendees and work at the same time, enjoy a coffee break or share knowledge our coworking is available.

(Activities) 1pm - 3pm — Dark side of the Dom city tour

by Freewalk Cologne

Cologne today is a city full of culture, music, drinking, and happiness where everyone is welcome. But it hasn’t always been that way. You’ll explore the gloomy side of Cologne’s past focusing on the city’s Medieval history with a few jumps to some of its more recent history with our Cologne twist. The Dark Side of the Dom tour uncovers the stories and legends from the Dark Ages of Cologne’s past. While the sun sets, we’ll head through the center city from our meeting spot in Heumarkt into the very heart of the our medieval city. Be prepared for witches, murderers, a ghost or two, and just the pure misery of living in Medieval Times on our darkest tour.

(Workshop) 10:00am - 10:30am — Rethinking Lead Magnets: Building the No-Code Navigator

by Lilith Brockhaus, co-founder @Visual Makers and Daniel Zrust, App Solutions Architect @Make

Explore a fresh approach to lead magnets beyond traditional white papers and ebooks. Learn how VisualMakers developed their No-Code Navigator using Make, Tally, and OpenAI. In this session, you'll see how leads can fill out a brief quiz and receive personalized tool suggestions via email. Additionally, these methods give you valuable insights into lead quality. Join us for a fun session! 

(Workshop) 4:30pm - 5:30pm — Brulance : Breaking down with you 3 automated processes that saved my customers the most time

by Florian Cado, independent Product Builder

Each week, Florian shares on LinkedIn his most profitable automated processes. During this no code week, he’ll be breaking down the 3 most wanted processes he has automated and will highlight why and how he built them. Certified by Brulance as one of the most proficient makers on the French market for Airtable x Make x Softr projects, he’ll share real-life use cases that illustrate the power and flexibility of tools like Make and Airtable, but also ChatGPT, Stripe, ... and many others.

(Talks) 6:30pm — Designing for Everyone: Empowering anyone to build software

by Iker Fernández, Lead Product Designer @Softr

Learn how we design and build Softr to empower non-technical users to create beautiful and powerful business apps, ridiculously fast and easy.

(Talks) 7pm — Unleashing Speed: VisualMakers’ Design Framework for No-Code Development

by Lilith Brockhaus, Co-founder @VisualMakers

(Talks) 7:30pm — How to not ruin your no-code project

by Dilhan Camlica, Founder @Brulance

Dilhan Camlica, an experienced IT project manager and design thinking advocate, will share essential insights on how to ensure the success of your no-code projects. Emphasizing the importance of consultant methodology and design thinking, Dilhan will guide freelancers and no-code enthusiasts on the critical steps to take before diving into no-code tools. Too often, the focus is solely on the tools, neglecting the vital groundwork needed for a successful project. With his diverse background in IT, healthcare, events, education, and telecom, Dilhan brings a wealth of knowledge on how to drive productivity and avoid common pitfalls in no-code projects.

Thursday 13 : No-Code & AI

It's 2024, of course, we will talk about AI. We'll even keep it for the last day to make sure you're fully prepared.

And to celebrate the end of the week, we'll finish the event with our "Closing Party".

(Coworking) 9am - 6pm — Co-Working Starplatz

If you want to join the other attendees and work at the same time, enjoy a coffee break or share knowledge our coworking is available.

(Workshop) 11am - 12:30am — Brulance : Practice hackathon: Capturing Business Needs

by Dilhan Camlica, Founder of Brulance & Nasredine Hamdani, Founder of HSLS, the leading locksmith organization in Brussels

Following Dilhan’s talk on Wednesday, Brulance is offering a hands-on workshop featuring a real-life use case for capturing business needs. We’ve invited Nasredine Hamdani, the founder of their top client, HSLS, to join us in Cologne for this interactive session. In this 90-minute hackathon, you’ll get to practice the Brulance methodology live, developing solutions for an already solved problem and refining your skills in capturing business needs.

(Talks) 6:30pm — From GPTs to custom tailored RAG

by Valérian Lebert, Founder @DigitStudio

Valérian Lebert, a seasoned No-Code and AI expert, invites you to delve into the world of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). This talk will cover the principles of RAG, the limitations of using GPTs for RAG, and provide a simple example of a RAG architecture using n8n, OpenAI, and Supabase. Valérian will also highlight key factors such as data processing, observability, and various retrieval techniques. Drawing from his extensive experience and a real-world project with a long-term client, Valérian will share insights into building AI solutions that enhance business processes. This session is perfect for developers eager to explore the potential of RAG and AI in practical applications.

(Talks) 7pm — AI Agents in Automations

by Marcel Claus-Ahrens, Founder @Kontoflux.io

Marcel Claus-Ahrens, an expert in AI and process automation, will delve into the innovative use of AI Agents (or "GPTs") within NoCode platforms. Highlighting the flagship capabilities of n8n.io in the iPaaS AI arena, Marcel will showcase how AI Agents can perform complex subtasks autonomously. These tasks include searching for company information, retrieving and parsing up-to-date data, analyzing business models, and updating CRM systems. Drawing from his extensive experience and a previous presentation at AI-Rocks, Marcel will demonstrate how these automations can revolutionize workflows, providing practical insights and real-world applications.

(Talks) 7:30pm — NoCode & AI - Love or Hate?

by Matthias Siwy, Founder @Nocodeapes

Join Matthias Siwy, founder of NoCodeApes, for an insightful session on the dynamic integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with NoCode platforms. This talk will explore how AI can revolutionize business processes, enhance productivity, and stimulate creativity across various industries. Matthias will discuss the automation of tasks traditionally requiring extensive manual input, such as generating database column names, writing documentation, and crafting user stories. He will also present real-world applications, including a case study of a wedding photography agency that transformed its workflow with an AI-powered tool for managing and utilizing images.


Marie Martens

Co-Founder @Tally

Marcel Claus-Ahrens

Founder @Kontoflux.io

Nicolas Carroll

PM Lead @Bubble

Iker Fernández

Lead Product Designer @Softr

Natasha Buck

Notion Certified Consultant

Daniel ZrĹŻst

App Solutions Architect @Make

Manon Mercier

Product Builder No-Code

Daniel Radermacher

Managing Director @IOX GmbH

Lilith Brockhaus

Co-founder @Visual Maker

Dilhan Camlica

Founder @Brulance

Valérian Lebert

Founder @DigiStudio

Matthias Siwy

Founder @Nocodeapes

Michael Udinski

Developer Advocate Lead @Xano

Lizbeth Anaya Ramos

Developer Community Manager @Xano

Richard Ahrend

No-Code Expert

Julien Mottet

Expert/Coach Airtable & Make

Florian Cado

Freelance Airtable & Make

Pierre Simonnin

Freelance Airtable, Make, Bubble

The HQ

This year, all the event and the coworking will take place at Startplatz.

Discover Cologne

This year, all the event and the coworking will take place at Startplatz.

The team

Meet the passionate people behind the No-Code Week 2024 in Cologne

Amandine Dugrain
Stanislas Verjus

Our local partner:

We are very happy to work with Visual Makers to organize this edition of The No-Code Week. They are one of the leading no-code ecosystem in Europe and we consider them pioneers of the no-code movement just like us.

Our partners

Our community partners

Our previous edition

Last year, the first No-Code Week took place in Barcelona. A fantastic event that was the first of a long series hopefully.


April 2023

For the Barcelona edition, we brought together 50 No-Coders to spend 1 week with 10 conferences and 12 sponsors.


October 2022

For our second edition, 9 people came to the beautiful city of Athens to No-Code and exchange ideas.


May 2022

For our first edition, we brought together 5 people to share our passion for No-Code in the beautiful city of Lisbon.

©2024 No-Code Week

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